After months of planning, on a hot August day, Henley RFC celebrated the opening of their new blue CCGrass pitch, officially named, The Invesco Turf.

With prominent members of the town showing their support, including Henley town mayor, Ken Arlett, the ceremony went smoothly, with all attendees delighted with the new pitch. The club really came together to celebrate, with members of Henley Hawks, Hawks women and Kids First and Juniors all in attendance.

Local investment company, Invesco, were one of the key funders for the new pitch, and the Events and Sponsorship Manager, Hanna Thomas, formally opened the pitch, with the Invesco agreeing to 10 years’ naming rights.

Henley RFC
The 'new blue' CCGrass surface at Henley RFC

Bryn Lee, CCGrass European Office CEO and former Henley player, explains

“The chosen ‘new blue’ surface is more resilient and softer than other synthetic grass fibres, making it excellent for rugby use. Apart from the vibrant colour, this really is an exciting field, with lines inlaid for Rugby X, football and netball. I believe the new Invesco Turf will benefit the current and next generation of children and adults that play on it, even more than the original surface did.”

Specialist contractors, A S Sports Systems, lifted the old turf before repairing the damaged shock pad beneath. The installation of the new CCGrass surface was straightforward to install and has now been tested to World Rugby standards.

For more information on the new Henley RFC Invesco Pitch, please contact:
Mary Worsdell on 01491 574499 or
Bryn Lee on 07765 401199 or
AS Sports on 0800 9788 140 or